What is Backlink, type and how to get high-quality backlinks?

A backlink is a simple link to connect from one website to another. Many search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) use website backlink forget ranking because if one website links found to another website links, it means the content is noteworthy they believe that.

High-quality backlinks always help your site to increase ranking and visibility in Google search engine results; this is a good sign for the SEO of the website.

How Do Backlinks Work?

Backlinks are a powerful role for increase the figure of Google search engine algorithm SEO, and all bloggers, marketers to find a good strategy for growing websites.

A simple word says that a backlink is a conversation between websites.

If you don’t understand this below give one example for better understands about the backlink.

Mr.Rakesh is a blogger, and he writes an article about the health event.

Another blogger, Sameer, links to Rakesh’s article when they sharing his perspective. Since he writes about any topic on a well-known magazine site, that way Sameer article creates backlinks to Rakesh’s post.

Because the magazine is very popular, many other websites will link back to his article. This way to increase the magazine’s domain authority and Rakesh’s article also gets high-quality backlinks from popular sites.

Types of Backlinks

There are two main types of backlinks, and one is more valuable than the other one. Let’s talk both type backlinks and how they will affect your website or blog.

Nofollow Backlink

A Nofollow tag means search engines to ignore a link. This way doesn’t pass any value from one website to another. So; they are not helping to improve your site search rank or visibility.

Dofollow Backlink

This type of backlink wants every blogger or online marketer. Because everybody, not that coming from respected websites holds the most value. Dofollow backlink helps to improve your Google search engine rankings and visibility.

So, that way dofollow backlinks considered bad or toxic for a website. These backlinks come from suspicious websites or the other way gained with break the Google search engine term and conditions.

How to Get Backlinks?

One thinks that understands first that creates backlinks to your site wants time and more effort. Here are the few steps follow and you can start building high-quality backlinks for your site or blog.

  • Submit Your website links in Social Media Platform.
  • Write a Guest Post on other websites or blogs, choosing the right site which has already good DA.
  • Use the Bookmarking site to get high numbers of backlinks.
  • Write the guidepost minimum of 3000 plus words and cover all the topics with all angles.
  • Contact influencers and tell them about your article for a link to own website.
  • Conduct an interview of influencers and send them your site link no doubt they will link back to your site.
  • Using Article submission site for the best method to get a high quilty backlink.

You can research the competitive link also. In order for this, you learn where the competitors get traffic for specific backlinks and ranking as well.

A very popular tool SEMrush helps to find those links, so you can easily target that website as part of your own site link building strategy.

How Can I Check My Backlinks?

There are various and multiple backlinks checker tools are available you check your site or blog backlinks including SEMRush, Ahrefs and Google Search Console, etc.

Always keep an eye on your website backlink is very important. According to Google Webmaster to find the toxic website to remove their links form your website. If you don’t then Google can punish your site, and your site page rank will drop in Google search results.

So, after these in your mind, 3 questions is generated

  1. How can I know backlinks are toxic?
  2. How can I contact site owners?
  3. Where can I find my site backlinks?

This question-answer find in only one tool.

Using Google Search Console to grow your website and see your website backlinks, but this tool takes a lot of time and limited.

However, there are better and faster tools available. As the same using the SEMrush SEO tool. Using SEMRrush you can find all three answers and much more.

SEMrush deal especially with backlinks. It has two main areas first is the site Backlink Analytics area and the other is the Backlink Audit area.

Below the quick look Backlink Audit area because it helps to find all backlinks to your website.

Second area Backlink Audit Tool has checked all backlinks and filters with a backlink that is toxic. Using this you can easily find and resolve toxic backlinks before Google punishes your site.

And you can find the email id the toxic website owner on the screen is the best area which is cover by the SEMrush.

With the help of SEMrush, you can easily find all keyword see your competitors site backlinks, and easily manage according to your convenient palace.

Always track your backlink profile because it tells you a lot about the value of your website and is an important part of SEO strategy.

I hope this post is helped you much more about what are backlinks, and how to grow your site using backlinks.

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